Jobs Remaining In Bryan And New Jobs Coming Too

Job­sO­hio reported Mon­day, that Unique-Chardan Inc. in Bryan will be expand­ing, adding 30 new jobs and retain­ing 52 oth­ers.

Unique-Chardan is an advanced auto parts man­u­fac­turer, and was acquired ear­lier this year by Michigan-based Unique Fab­ri­cat­ing.

Com­pany offi­cials had been con­sid­er­ing mov­ing oper­a­tions out of Ohio. Instead of relo­cat­ing though, a deci­sion was made to make up to $400,000 in upgrades at the Bryan facil­ity and add 30 new jobs to the exist­ing work­force.

Chardan Corp. was founded in Bryan in 1975 as an auto­mo­tive die-cut fab­ri­ca­tor of non­metal­lic mate­ri­als.

Unique Fab­ri­cat­ing Inc., a man­u­fac­turer of die cut and molded rub­ber, foam and plas­tic com­po­nents for the auto­mo­tive indus­try, has other facil­i­ties in Michi­gan and Georgia.

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