Check Your Water Supply

The Ohio State Uni­ver­sity Exten­sion Ser­vice says we all should take a closer look at our water sup­plies.

Accord­ing to the Ohio Depart­ment of Health and the Ohio Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency, many peo­ple that live out­side of a rural water dis­trict or vil­lage, must rely on pri­vate wells for drink­ing water.

State offi­cials are say­ing that pri­vate well own­ers really should test their well water reg­u­larly, but they also say that find­ing a test site, and then inter­pret­ing the results, and be con­fus­ing.

They remind peo­ple that the Ohio State Uni­ver­sity Exten­sion, Ohio Depart­ment of Health and the Ohio Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency have coop­er­ated to develop a free online well water inter­pre­ta­tion tool. The well water inter­pre­ta­tion tool is located on the OSU Extension’s Ohio Water­shed Net­work at The web­site allows quick access to well water infor­ma­tion on many subjects.

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