2-Vehicle Crash

Six peo­ple were hurt in a two vehi­cle crash Tues­day morn­ing on U.S. 24.

Ohio High­way Patrol troop­ers say it hap­pened Tues­day morn­ing around 10 at the inter­sec­tion of US 24 and Inde­pen­dence Road in Defi­ance County.

77 year old John Davis of Defi­ance was north­bound on Inde­pen­dence Road accord­ing to the police report, when he pulled into the path of an east­bound vehi­cle dri­ven by 41 year old Andrea Kropf Roanoke, Indi­ana.

Davis was taken to Mercy Defi­ance Hos­pi­tal with minor injuries. Kropf and her pas­sen­gers, 34 year old Chrissy Stamm, 10 year old Audrey Stamm, and 9 year old Faye Kropf, all of Roanoake, Indi­ana. along with 9 year old Addi­lynne But­ler of Fort Wayne, were taken to ProMed­ica Defi­ance Regional Hos­pi­tal, where they were all treated and released.

Police say Davis was cited for fail­ure to yield.

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