Paulding Crash

Police say a vehi­cle crashed into a house and garage in Pauld­ing.

Accord­ing to a news release from the Pauld­ing County Sher­iff, it hap­pened Mon­day after­noon on Wayne Street, when a vehi­cle dri­ven by 48 year old Miles Goings of Pauld­ing ran off the road and hit a fence and garage, before com­ing to rest in a house.

Nobody in the house or on the street was hurt. Goings and a pas­sen­ger, 68 year old William Scheurich, JR recieved minor injuries, but refused med­ical treat­ment.

Police say both men were wear­ing seat­belts at the time of the crash, but they also say alco­hol is sus­pected to be a fac­tor.

The inves­ti­ga­tion is con­tin­u­ing today.

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