Defiance Woman Facing Long Prison Time In Shooting Incident

A Defi­ance woman is now fac­ing two charges, includ­ing attempted aggra­vated mur­der, in con­nec­tion with a shoot­ing inci­dent last month involv­ing her estranged hus­band.

44 year old Pauletta Sali­nas was indicted Thurs­day by a Defi­ance County Grand Jury on a list of charges stem­ming from the inci­dent, includ­ing firearms charges.

Sali­nas is now exposed to a max­i­mum prison term of 11 years on the attempted aggra­vated mur­der charge, while the firearm charge car­ries a manda­tory three-year prison term. She also was indicted on a charge of felo­nious assault, which car­ries a max­i­mum prison term of eight years.

Sali­nas is now sched­uled for a pre-trial hear­ing on Aug. 27th.

Her estranged hus­band, Vin­cent Sali­nas, has two domes­tic vio­lence con­vic­tions. Pauletta Sali­nas, inter­est­ingly enough, was con­victed of the same offense against him before they were mar­ried.

She was con­victed of domes­tic vio­lence in 2002 when her name was Pauletta Wurster.

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