Angola Fire

Flames caused exten­sive dam­age on Fri­day after­noon to an Angola area home.

Accord­ing to the Steuben County sheriff’s office, it hap­pened around 4 FRi­day after­noon at a house just a few miles south of Angola, report­edly owned by Bruce and Evie Adams.

The fire depart­ment said flames and heavy smoke were found com­ing from the rear of the home when they arrived.

There was heavy smoke and water dam­age reported through­out the inte­rior after the fire was said to be under con­trol within about ten min­utes after crews got there, how­ever crews remained on the scene for almost three and a half hours to make sure it was out.

The full extent of the dam­age is still being added up, and offi­cials say the cause is still under investigation.

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