Hillandale Farms Moving Forward With Construction

Con­struc­tion is under­way at Hil­lan­dale Farms’ new facil­ity east of Hicksville.

The Cres­cent News reports that although the rough win­ter we had last year, along with the extremely wet spring, slowed the begin­ning of the con­struc­tion project, it is still on tar­get to be fully oper­a­tional next year.

The facil­ity under con­struc­tion on Rosedale Road, will be a hen-laying facil­ity. Hil­lan­dale Farms is one of the lead­ing sup­pli­ers of fresh eggs in the United States.

The $85 mil­lion invest­ment is expected to cre­ate 109 jobs. Phase 1 will have two mil­lion hens, pro­duc­ing 125,000 dozen eggs a day.

Plans call for the farm to even­tu­ally grow to four mil­lion hens, lay­ing 250,000 dozen eggs a day.

The com­pany is hir­ing now.

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