Budweiser Clydesdales Coming To Our Area!

Get set to see the leg­endary Bud­weiser Clydes­dales. The world-famous Bud­weiser Clydes­dales will be mak­ing a stop this week in Defi­ance.

The eight-horse hitch team and famous red wagon will appear at the Han­cock County Fair­grounds in Find­lay on Fri­day, from 4–6 p.m.

The horses will also appear at the North­towne Mall in Defi­ance, on Sun­day from 2–4 p.m.

Since 1933, the Bud­weiser Clydes­dales have been “an endur­ing sym­bol of Budweiser’s her­itage, tra­di­tion and com­mit­ment to qual­ity” and never fail to draw a crowd for their vis­its.

This com­ing week­end will be your chance to see the leg­endary horses up close and in per­son right here in our area.

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