Weekend Crash

A two-vehicle crash over the week­end in Hicksville Town­ship that left two peo­ple hurt is still under inves­ti­ga­tion today.

The Ohio High­way Patrol says the crash hap­pened just after mid­night Sat­ur­day on Ohio 18, near Casebeer-Miller Road, when a vehi­cle dri­ven by 58 year old Oscar Pieper of Pauld­ing ran into the side of a trailer that was being backed into a pri­vate drive by 21 year old Justin Binder of Hicksville.

Pieper and his wife, 57 year old Susan Pieper, were taken by air ambu­lance to Parkview Hos­pi­tal, Fort Wayne.

Binder and his pas­sen­gers, 19 year old Kyr­sha Alexan­der of Mon­roeville, Ind., 27 year old Trisha Kim­ple and 27 year old Mike Kim­ple, both of Hicksville, were not hurt.

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