Hickesville Officials Respond To Lawsuit

Hicksville Exempted Vil­lage School offi­cials have released a state­ment in response to a Hicksville Edu­ca­tion Asso­ci­a­tion law­suit filed ear­lier this year.

The school’s attor­ney has filed a reply to the suit reg­is­tered in Defi­ance County Com­mon Pleas Court by the teach­ers union on behalf of Amber Apt.

In it’s reply, the school dis­trict denies the alle­ga­tions in dis­pute, and asks that a “brief­ing sched­ule to address the issues raised” be con­vened, and that the suit be dis­missed.

It all comes fol­low­ing a griev­ance the union filed in August of 2013 on behalf of mem­ber Amber Apt over the alleged fail­ure to pro­vide Ms. Apt a ten­ta­tive teacher’s assign­ment for the 2013–14 school year.

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