Defiance Rain Garden Planned

Defi­ance City Coun­cil met Tues­day night and dis­cussed a num­ber of ordi­nances, includ­ing one call­ing for con­struc­tion of a rain gar­den at Defi­ance Pub­lic Library.

The ordi­nance con­cern­ing the rain gar­den project passed fol­low­ing a third and final read­ing. Now, a con­tract with B.E. Man­gas Con­struc­tion of Defi­ance has been autho­rized, with the $17,800 cost com­ing out of the city’s cap­i­tal improve­ments bud­get.

The gar­den will include an under­ground drainage sys­tem, and will be built in the cen­ter cir­cle of a recently re-built park­ing lot adja­cent to Defi­ance Pub­lic Library.

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