Wauseon Wins Paint The Plow Award

A local high school has come away as a win­ner in a statewide con­test. Wauseon High School has been selected as a win­ner in the Ohio Depart­ment of Transportation’s Dis­trict 2 Paint the Plow con­test.

Six­teen high schools from Williams, Ful­ton, Henry, Lucas, San­dusky, Seneca, and Wood coun­ties par­tic­i­pated in this year’s con­test, which was orig­i­nally devel­oped by ODOT to teach stu­dents to become more involved in local com­mu­ni­ties, increase aware­ness of the department’s ice and snow oper­a­tions and pro­mote safety. Each school received a clean, black snow­plow blade on which to paint their orig­i­nal design. Win­ners were cho­sen for Best Com­mu­nity Spirit and Best Ice and Snow Theme.

Wauseon High School will receive a $250 cour­tesy of the North­west Branch of the Ohio chap­ter of the Amer­i­can Pub­lic Works Asso­ci­a­tion. Marco’s Pizza will also sup­ply the school with 50 pizzas.

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