Salt Supply Said To Be Good Going Into Winter

Seems like old man win­ter is arriv­ing a bit early this year, and accord­ing to the Bryan Times, local offi­cials aren’t tak­ing any chances.

They report that the county has pur­chased enough salt, sand and liq­uid heat for any sur­prises that may come along.

The local road crews cover up to 400 miles of road­way with 13 snow plow routes in Williams County.

Last year, the cost of over­time amounted to around $70,000 to keep county roads clear. That cost was in addi­tion to vehi­cle main­te­nance costs.

350 tons of salt was pur­chased for the com­ing win­ter, at a cost of about $60 a ton. Sand was also pur­chased for $40 a ton. County offi­cials say another 500 tons of salt will be ordered later in the win­ter most likely. Last year, the county needed to pur­chase a total of 2,500 tons of salt… a record. At the end of the win­ter, only about 200 tons was left over.

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