Sex Offender Sentenced

A man from Mont­pe­lier will spend five years in prison for the sex­ual abuse of a child.

31 year old Randy Kirk­endall Jr had pre­vi­ously pleaded guilty to 10 crim­i­nal counts related to crimes involv­ing a 6-year-old girl which took place between July 1, 2013 and June 7 of this year.

Charges against Kirk­endall included eight counts of gross sex­ual impo­si­tion; one count of second-degree felony ille­gal use of a minor in nudity-oriented mate­r­ial or per­for­mance; and a first-degree felony kid­nap­ping charge.

In sen­tenc­ing Kirk­endall, the judge ordered him to serve a 5-year sen­tence with no oppor­tu­nity for judi­cial release. The harsh sen­tence was because the court viewed Kirkendall’s crime as a sexually-related crime against a very young vic­tim, call­ing Kirk­endall a sex­ual preda­tor who should be kept off the streets and not have access to children.

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