School Resignations

At Monday’s meet­ing of the Lib­erty Cen­ter Local Board of Edu­ca­tion, Super­in­ten­dent Kristi Thomp­son ten­dered her let­ter of res­ig­na­tion, effec­tive Nov. 14th. Board mem­bers then went into exec­u­tive ses­sion to dis­cuss it, and they also talked about the hir­ing of Dr. Mar­cia Rozevink as interim super­in­ten­dent effec­tive imme­di­ately.

Then, board pres­i­dent Peter Leather­man and board vice pres­i­dent Doug Des­grange also ten­dered their res­ig­na­tions, effec­tive immediately.

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