Zimmerman Stepping Down At WEDCO

WBNO-WQCT News has learned that Dia­mond Zim­mer­man is resign­ing from the posi­tion of Williams County Eco­nomic Devel­op­ment Coor­di­na­tor.

Zim­mer­man was arrested last month on an OVI charge. Accord­ing to a WEDCO press release we received yes­ter­day, Zimmerman’s res­ig­na­tion took effect imme­di­ately.

Zim­mer­man will get a 30-day sev­er­ance pack­age as part of a res­ig­na­tion agree­ment with WEDCO’s exec­u­tive board.

It all started to unravel for her when, on Octo­ber 20th, Zim­mer­man was arrested by Bryan Police fol­low­ing a call from a res­i­dent of Lois Clarke Lane to police, say­ing some­one had dri­ven through their yard.

The most recent brush with the law was not Zimmerman’s first. She pleaded guilty to OVI in 2011. Back then, her driver’s license was sus­pended for 6 months, and she had to pay $650 in fines and attend an alco­hol and drug pro­gram.

She’s due in court to answer to the lat­est charge on Decem­ber 12th. She has already pleaded not guilty to the most recent charge.

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