Bryan Budget Increases

Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties’ bud­get for the com­ing year will show an increase over 2014. Part of the rea­son for the increase is the num­ber of large projects planned for 2015.

The 2015 bud­get is now pro­jected to be $29,997,000. That’s an increase of about $866,000 over the 2014 bud­get of just over $29,100,000.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the elec­tric depart­ment costs the city the most to run, and also gen­er­ates the most rev­enue. That depart­ment shows a pro­jected 2015 bud­get of about $24.7 mil­lion, up slightly from $24.0 mil­lion this year.

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