Shop-With-A-Cop Programs Planned Throughout The Area

Police and sheriff’s deputies in Defi­ance and Henry coun­ties are get­ting ready for their annual Shop with a Cop and Deputy events.

For nearly 20 years, the annual pro­gram has held the event, which pairs kids with law enforce­ment offi­cers who help them pur­chase cloth­ing. This year’s Shop with a Cop will take place Dec. 9–10 at Wal­Mart in Defi­ance.

Each year, law enforce­ment agen­cies get the names of chil­dren from teach­ers and guid­ance coun­selors in the schools. They usu­ally have 15 offi­cers dressed in uni­form and numer­ous other vol­un­teers who help with the event.

Dur­ing this year’s col­lec­tion, the group has already received an anony­mous dona­tion from some­one request­ing it be used to pur­chase blan­kets for chil­dren who have been the vic­tims of abuse.

Now, 50 blan­kets have been pur­chased already and will be dis­trib­uted to local law enforce­ment agen­cies through­out the county as well as other county orga­ni­za­tions that han­dle abuse cases.

This year, the Henry County’s Sheriff’s Office will be hold­ing its Shop with a Deputy pro­gram at the Napoleon Wal­Mart on Dec. 13.

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