Dogs Killed In Attack

It appears that charges are pend­ing fol­low­ing a reported dog attack Mon­day after­noon. Two dogs are now dead fol­low­ing the after­noon attack on South Emmett Street in Bryan.

The Bryan Times reports that Bryan Police and Williams County Sheriff’s deputies responded to a vicious dog com­plaint Mon­day, when a pit bull seized a small Chi­huahua. The chi­huahua did not sur­vive Mon­day afternoon’s attack.

The pit bull then attacked a sec­ond dog. It was even­tu­ally tracked down and killed on South Emmett Street by police, who first tried to Tase it, but that had no effect on the Pit bull.

The chi­hauahua was report­edly on a leash at the tiem. The pit bull was run­ning loose and not licensed.

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