House Burns In Defiance

Fire­fight­ers bat­tled flames and the cold weather Sat­ur­day after­noon on Kiser Road in Defi­ance. A couple’s home there suf­fered sig­nif­i­cant dam­age.

It was dis­cov­ered bur­ing in the kitchen when the home­own­ers came home around 2:30 Sat­ur­day after­noon.

Dam­age to the struc­ture at 20268 Kiser Road was esti­mated at around $100,000 and an addi­tional $75,000 dam­age was esti­mated to have been caused to con­tents.

The cause of the fire is still unde­ter­mined, and the home, owned by Randy and San­dra Stock­horst, is cur­rently unin­hab­it­able. Nobody was hurt.

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