Farmer Wins!

A Defi­ance farmer has won $2,500 for the Defi­ance County Ag Soci­ety through America’s Farm­ers Grow Com­mu­ni­ties.

Sheri Schliesser has been selected as a win­ner in America’s Farm­ers Grow Com­mu­ni­ties, spon­sored by the Mon­santo Fund. The pro­gram enrolls farm­ers for a chance to win $2,500, which is then donated to the farmer’s non­profit of choice. Sheri has selected the Defi­ance County Ag Soci­ety to receive the dona­tion.

Sheri will be pre­sented with her award on Thurs­day at 7pm at the OSU Exten­sion Office in Defiance.

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