Former Sturgis Resident Killed In Tennessee Crash

A for­mer res­i­dent of Stur­gis, along with her son, are dead after try­ing to help other peo­ple in Ten­nessee.

34 year old Kristi Clark and her 10 year old son Carter Oak­ley, stopped on Inter­state 65 to help the pas­sen­gers of an SUV that had flipped over after hit­ting some black ice. As they were stand­ing out­side of their vehi­cle, Kristi and Carter were run down by a semi.

Carter was pro­nounced dead at the scene. Kristi was taken to a nearby hos­pi­tal, where she later died.

Kristi was a grad­u­ate of the Stur­gis High School Class of 1999. In addi­tion to her hus­band and daugh­ter, she leaves behind a step­son and a step­daugh­ter, ages 11 and 7.

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