Event At Sauder Today

Sauder Vil­lage is look­ing for some cre­ative peo­ple to help make hand­crafted items for the new Her­itage Shop at Sauder Vil­lage. A work­day has been planned for today, pro­vid­ing peo­ple an oppor­tu­nity to help make items for the shop and have fel­low­ship with oth­ers who like to be cre­ative!

A vari­ety of projects will be avail­able for peo­ple to help with today from 1:00 — 4:00 p.m. in the Vil­lage Café. If you are inter­ested in attend­ing the Her­itage Shop Work­day or have an item you would like to donate to the shop con­tact Debbi Rus­sell at 800.590.9755 or e-mail her at drussell@saudervillage.org

For more information about special events, classes or planning a visit this season to Sauder Village visit www.saudervillage.org, call 800.590.9755

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