Defiance Real Estate Transfers Up

Defi­ance County Audi­tor Jill Lit­tle has released a report for Feb­ru­ary. Accord­ing to the Cres­cent News, real estate trans­fers num­bered 160 last month, up from 124 a year ago, and real estate sales value was also up, com­ing in at $4,283,297 as opposed to last Feb­ru­ary when it totaled $3,471,397. Con­tin­u­ing Home­stead appli­ca­tions are avail­able now, and they must be signed and returned by June 1. If you would like to dis­cuss your property’s appraised mar­ket value, you may do so at the auditor’s office. If after review­ing your property’s mar­ket value you feel your value is not a fair assess­ment, you may file a sup­ported appeal with the board of revi­sion. Appli­ca­tion forms for the board of revi­sion are avail­able in the auditor’s office, and the dead­line for fil­ing is March 31.

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