Ohio Hunters Are Generous

Accord­ing to infor­ma­tion released on Tues­day by the Ohio Depart­ment of Nat­ural Resources, hunters in our state donated more than 1,000 white-tailed deer to local food banks to ben­e­fit Ohioans in need dur­ing the 2014–15 hunt­ing sea­son. Food banks received approx­i­mately 50,850 pounds of veni­son and 203,400 meals for needy Ohioans. One processed deer they say, amounts to approx­i­mately 50 pounds of veni­son and 200 meals. Ohio ranks fifth nation­ally in hunter-donated veni­son, accord­ing to the National Shoot­ing Sports Foun­da­tion. Nation­ally, hunters pro­vided more than 11 mil­lion meals to peo­ple in need. Ohio has 64 par­tic­i­pat­ing meat proces­sors. Hunters can donate veni­son through Safari Club International’s Sports­men Against Hunger pro­gram. Learn more by vis­it­ing safar­i­club­foun­da­tion dot org or White­tails Unlim­ited at white­tail­sun­lim­ited dot com.

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