Indiana Trooper Given Award for Bravery

Indi­ana State Trooper Peter Bradley of Noble County was awarded the department’s Sil­ver Star for res­cu­ing a dis­tressed pad­dle boater last August. Two adults and two chil­dren were in the boat on Knapp Lake a few miles north­west of Fort Wayne when it started to founder. One of the adults strug­gled to stay afloat and even­tu­ally went under. Bradley, who lives on the lake, swam about 50 yards to the scene, located the 56-year-old man under­wa­ter, and brought him back to the sur­face before swim­ming to shore. The other three peo­ple were able to swim to safety. The Sil­ver Star is awarded for per­sonal brav­ery and self-sacrifice.

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