Push For A Safer US-24 Underway

The Pauld­ing Cham­ber of Com­merce Lead­er­ship in Action group has under­taken the project of research­ing and rais­ing aware­ness to make U.S. 24 safer. The results of that project are expected to help the Ohio Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion do just that. The group pre­sented their find­ings on Wednes­day at the Pauld­ing Senior Cen­ter. In order to get the infor­ma­tion, the group observed traf­fic pat­terns, gath­ered acci­dent sta­tis­tics, and then sent out a sur­vey to get more infor­ma­tion. Sta­tis­tics show that since the new US-24 opened in 2009, there have been seven fatal­i­ties in six crashes, and 17 inter­sec­tion crashes in which peo­ple were injured. In Pauld­ing County, there are 7 inter­sec­tions with US-24 and two over­passes. That com­pares with just three cross­ings in Defi­ance County, where there has only been one fatal crash on US-24, which by the way, was not inter­sec­tion related. At inter­sec­tions in Defi­ance County, there has only been one injury crash since “24” opened.

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