Drug Problem Escalates In Bryan

The drug prob­lem in Bryan is grow­ing. To illus­trate that increas­ing prob­lem locally, lis­ten to this… Police found four meth labs in Bryan in just the past four days. On Sat­ur­day after­noon, police and fire crews responded to the 200 block of East Bryan Street when sus­pi­cious items were found in the area, which had to be decon­t­a­m­i­nated. On Sun­day evening, an East Bryan Street res­i­dent reported “drug-related items in their back­yard” and at 12:02 p.m. Mon­day, an employee of Baum­gart­ner Finan­cial Ser­vices on E. High St., across from the Williams County Pub­lic Library, noticed a plas­tic bag on the roof. Both turned out to be meth labs. The fourth report came in at 3:42 a.m. yes­ter­day when police tried to ques­tion a so-called well known shop­per for meth ingre­di­ents in the Wal-Mart park­ing lot. Bryan Police, accord­ing to the Times, has been receiv­ing calls over the last sev­eral weeks of sus­pi­cious pack­ages left on street cor­ners, under bushes, thrown on roofs and in a shared com­mon areas at an apart­ment com­plexes,. There have been 45 meth labs dis­cov­ered in Williams County in the last six months, com­pared to 59 in 2014.

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