Robbery Investigation Moves Another Case Forward

The inves­ti­ga­tion into the June 15th rob­bery of the Farm­ers State Bank branch in Ash­ley is con­tin­u­ing. So far, no arrests. Mean­while, the work being done on that case has report­edly helped in another, seper­ate inves­ti­ga­tion. Inves­ti­ga­tors say some infor­ma­tion they got while look­ing into the Ash­ley rob­bery, helped with their inves­ti­ga­tion of five peo­ple from Fort Wayne, who were cap­tured last Fri­day as they tried to rob a credit union in Mar­ion. It’s still not known if the five sus­pects cap­tured in Mar­ion had any­thing to do with the Ash­ley rob­bery, but that angle is being per­sued. Mean­while, inves­ti­ga­tors say any­one who may have infor­ma­tion or may have seen any­thing sus­pi­cious on the day of the Ash­ley rob­bery, should call the Indi­ana State Police, the Steuben County Sher­iff Depart­ment, Ash­ley Police or Steuben County Crime Stoppers.

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