Flushing Set For Montpelier

The Mont­pe­lier Water Depart­ment will begin the annual fire hydrant flush­ing and flow-testing pro­gram on Mon­day, August 3rd. They say work is expected to be wrapped up on or before Fri­day, August 14th. Dur­ing the flush­ing and test­ing, cus­tomers may notice some dis­col­oration in their water. These con­di­tions are only tem­po­rary… the water will still be safe to drink, but you should double-check the tap water prior to using your washer, as the dis­col­ored water may stain light col­ored cloth­ing. The water should return to nor­mal within thirty min­utes or less of the crew leav­ing the area and any stained water in the pipes in your home, should clear out by let­ting the taps run a short time. Fire hydrant main­te­nance and test­ing are a vital part of the fire pro­tec­tion pro­gram in Montpelier.

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