Accident Kills Defiance Woman, Injures 6

The inves­ti­ga­tion con­tin­ues into the Sun­day crash that killed a Defi­ance woman and injured 6 oth­ers. The Ohio High­way Patrol says a Chevy Impala dri­ven by 22 year-old Micayla Fitzsim­mons of Defi­ance was head­ing east on Stein­maier Road when it crashed a stop sign and was T-boned by a north­bound vehi­cle dri­ven by 49 year-old Johnny Bur­dine of New Bavaria. The Impala with Fitzsim­mons and her pas­sen­ger, a 3 month old child named Kai­lyn Ord­way ended up on its top and they were taken to Mercy Defi­ance Hos­pi­tal. The other vehi­cle was tossed onto its side and a 75 year-old woman named Paula Cooper was killed. The dri­ver of that vehi­cle and three other pas­sen­gers includ­ing a 12 year-old boy were taken to ProMed­ica Toledo Hos­pi­tal. None of those in the Bur­dine car were wear­ing seat­belts, but Fitzsim­mons was using a seat­belt and the baby was in a child safety seat.

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