Accidental Shooting In Paulding County

The Pauld­ing County Sher­iff is inves­ti­gat­ing an acci­den­tal shoot­ing that report­edly hap­pened on Sun­day.

It all began when Sheryl Wag­ner called 911 to report that her daugh­ter had been acci­dently shot in the leg with a .22 rif­fle at the family’s home in Brown Town­ship.

Accord­ing to deputies, a 15-year-old boy was han­dling a .22 cal­iber rifle when it fired and a bul­let went through the wall and hit his 13-year-old sis­ter, who was in the next room, in the thigh.

She was taken to Mercy Defi­ance Hos­pi­tal for treat­ment. The case remains under investigation.

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