Age-Progression Photos Of Skelton Children Released

The National Cen­ter for Miss­ing and Exploited Chil­dren has released new age-progression pho­tos for Andrew, Alexan­der and Tan­ner Skel­ton.

Accord­ing to the Bryan Times, the cen­ter releases new updates every two years when a child is miss­ing, until their 18th birth­day. After that, a new pic­ture is released every five years until they are found.

The cen­ter claims to have made more than 6,000 age-progression pho­tos over the last 25 years, that have helped suc­cess­fully iden­tify 1,300 miss­ing chil­dren.

John Skel­ton and his sons were last seen play­ing in his back yard on Nov. 25, 2010. He was sup­posed to return them to their mother, Tanya Zuvers, the next morn­ing but no one has seen them since. Early in the inves­ti­ga­tion, John Skel­ton made sev­eral state­ments about what hap­pened, but police dis­cred­ited every one of them.

Skel­ton is still in prison, serv­ing 15 years for the unlaw­ful con­fine­ment of his sons, where he remains unco­op­er­a­tive with the inves­ti­ga­tion.

Offi­cials say they have rea­son to believe that just prior to their dis­ap­pear­ance, Skel­ton drove with the boys through Williams County.

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