Anniversary of the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Forty years ago today, The Edmund Fitzger­ald, the largest freighter on the Great Lakes, sank in hur­ri­cane force winds leav­ing Supe­rior, Wis­con­sin for Detroit. All 29 crew mem­bers died, and no one knows exactly why she went down. Six crew mem­bers were from Ohio.-0–
A Williams County Wildlife Offi­cer has retired after 22 years of serv­ing the State of Ohio. Offi­cer Thomas Kochert began work­ing for the Ohio Depart­ment of Nat­ural Resources in 1993. He’s won many awards over the years. A replace­ment has not been named.

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Tuesday night, the Bryan Board of Public Affairs (BPA) approved adding two new positions in …