Apple Butter Making Festival Set For Sauder

The annual Apple But­ter Mak­ing fes­ti­val at Sauder Vil­lage in Arch­bold is sched­uled for Wednes­day, Sep­tem­ber 24 through Sat­ur­day, Sept. 27, when guests will have plenty of oppor­tu­nity to enjoy apple-related activ­i­ties through­out the His­toric Vil­lage.

On the final day of the event, Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 27, pie bak­ers will have a chance to show off their tal­ents in the annual Old-Fashioned Pie Bak­ing con­test. Any tra­di­tional pie recipe with an “old-fashioned” flair can be entered and the win­ners will receive rib­bons and prizes.

For more infor­ma­tion phone 1–800-590‑9755, visit, like Sauder Vil­lage on Face­book or fol­low them on Twit­ter and Instagram.

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