Archbold Coach Steps Down. Miller Claims “Burnout”

Accord­ing to a report in the North­west Sig­nal, Arch­bold head foot­ball coach Bryan Miller is step­ping down as foot­ball coach. Miller says burnout is the rea­son why he chose to quit just 2 1/2 weeks before the start of the reg­u­lar sea­son. Miller’s announce­ment came after the Blue Streaks had a scrim­mage sched­uled with Edger­ton. Interim coach David Dominique will now over­see the team and pro­gram for the 2015 cam­paign. Miller was enter­ing his sev­enth sea­son as the head coach at Arch­bold, where he had a 40–23 record. He took the Blue Streaks to the play­offs twice (2010 and 2012). Miller will remain a teacher at the Arch­bold Mid­dle School.
Arch­bold starts the foot­ball reg­u­lar sea­son Fri­day, Aug. 28 with an away game at Hicksville.

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