Arch­bold vil­lage coun­cil met on Mon­day.

Coun­cil passed an ordi­nance that will pro­vide for a water rate adjust­ment. The water-rate increase will take place in the June 2013 billing state­ment and reflects a 1 per­cent rate increase.

Arch­bold offi­cials say the increase for the aver­age res­i­dent will be less than a $1 per month and about $11.23 per year. It was also rec­om­mended to the min­i­mum charge from $6.25 to $7. The min­i­mum charge would be for usage less than 3,000 gal­lons per month.

Coun­cil also approved the hir­ing of a pro­ba­tion­ary, full-time police officer.

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