Archbold Man Accused Of Stealing From The Elderly To Be Sentenced

An Arch­bold man, accused of steal­ing more than $37,500 from an elderly Bryan widow, will be sen­tenced in Williams County Court next month. 27 year old Keith Pedigo pleaded guilty on Mon­day to third-degree felony theft from an elderly per­son. The guilty plea clears the way for Pedigo’s sen­tenc­ing, which is now set for 9:30am on July 9th, when he could get as much as three years in prison. Pedigo stole more that $37,500 over the course of five years, up to and includ­ing Feb. 15th of this year. The inves­ti­ga­tion started when a fore­clo­sure notice was placed at the victim’s home. The woman told county offi­cials then, that she had a friend who was help­ing her take care of every­thing and she had no idea about the fore­clo­sure. The woman explained that Pedigo vis­ited her once a month — every time she got a Social Secu­rity check — and drove her to the bank. She trusted him to pay her bills. Pedigo was pock­et­ing half of the money from her checks.

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