Archbold Man Injured In Crash

A Ful­ton County man was taken by air to Mercy St. Vin­cent Med­ical Cen­ter in Toledo on Tues­day morn­ing, after he was crit­i­cally injured in a three-vehicle crash on I-75.

22 year old Christo­pher Hen­der­son of Arch­bold was pulling back onto the inter­state from the berm, when he was hit by another vehi­cle dri­ven by 61 year old Mark Sutherin, whose vehi­cle then ran into another vehi­cle dri­ven by 38 year old Nadeem Kahn. The other two dri­vers were not hurt. I-75 was shut down for about an hour and a half while crews cleaned up the mess. The crash remains under investigation.

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