Area holiday parade info

Thanks­giv­ing week is here, and the hol­i­days are just around the cor­ner. Napoleon will have the Christ­mas parade tonight from 6–7 pm down­town. Thurs­day, the 18th annual Turkey Trot will be held begin­ning at 8:30 a.m. at Inde­pen­dence Dam State Park. It’s a four-mile run or fun walk. You can reg­is­ter at the web­site.
Bryan’s parade with Santa is down­town Fri­day, the fun begins at 6:30 p.m. And Sat­ur­day, Wauseon will parade through the streets at 7 p.m., with bands, floats, horses and fire depart­ments from north­west Ohio. Look for Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus at the Wauseon Depot, which will be all dec­o­rated, com­plete with a train dis­play, hot choco­late, cook­ies and Christ­mas carols.

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