A found­ing orga­nizer of the Auburn Cord Dusen­berg Fes­ti­val died just after cel­e­brat­ing his 50th year vol­un­teer­ing for the orga­ni­za­tion.

74 year old John Randinelli died of a heart attack Sun­day in Auburn.

The Penn­syl­va­nia native moved to Auburn in 1964, where he began his career in bank­ing and estab­lished him­self as “Auburn’s biggest cheer­leader.

It was Randinelli’s involve­ment with the Jaycees that led him to help park cars for the Auburn Cord Dusen­berg Fes­ti­val in 1964. Since then, Randinelli helped put Auburn on the map in var­i­ous vol­un­teer roles.

Randinelli was hon­ored just last Thurs­day with a plaque cel­e­brat­ing his 50th and final year as an offi­cial vol­un­teer for the ACD fes­ti­val.

Randinelli’s death on Sun­day was a “huge shock” for the com­mu­nity.

Ser­vices will be 11 a.m. Thurs­day at Auburn Pres­by­ter­ian Church, where Randinelli was a mem­ber. Call­ing will be Wednes­day from 1 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. at Feller and Clark Funeral Home in Auburn.

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