Ayersville School Project Explained

Ayersville Local Board of Edu­ca­tion mem­bers and admin­is­tra­tors want every­one in the area to learn about a part­ner­ship with the state to fund con­struc­tion of a new pre-K through grade 12 build­ing through the Ohio Facil­i­ties Con­struc­tion Com­mis­sion.

The Cres­cent News reports that there will be a ref­er­en­dum on the May 6th bal­lot regard­ing a 37-year, 7.86-mill bond issue com­bined with a 0.5 per­cent income tax for con­struc­tion of a new school facil­ity. The income tax would cover the 0.5-mill con­tin­u­ing per­ma­nent improve­ment require­ment by the state.

OFCC would pro­vide 67 per­cent of the cost of the project.

The total cost of the 141,788-square-foot project would be about $39,183,075, mak­ing the local share $18.8 million.

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