Baby Delivered By Officers In Parking Lot

Troop­ers at the Defi­ance post of the Ohio High­way Patrol got an unusual phone early Mon­day morn­ing.

The caller on the other end of the line told them that a woman was giv­ing birth in their park­ing lot and she needed some help.

The call came in just after 4 yes­ter­day morn­ing from 911 dis­patch­ers who told police that there was a woman, in a car, in the park­ing lot, giv­ing birth to a baby.

Troop­ers and deputies from the Defi­ance County Sheriff’s Office rushed out, and that’s when they found 19-year-old Deve­nae Guerra of Pauld­ing, and yes, she was indeed hav­ing a baby.

Along with her was her grand­mother, Dolores Guerra, who had, up till then, been doing her best to get her to the hos­pi­tal in time for the deliv­ery, but she ran out of time. The grand­mother told offi­cers that they made it only as far as the High­way Patrol post.

The 6 pound, 12 ounce baby girl is doing fine, and she is named Mir­a­cle Chavez Guerra, in honor or Trooper Chavez. Mother and child are all doing fine, as are the still very sur­prised officers.

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