Band Concerts Coming To Edgerton In June

Get set for some live musi­cal enter­tain­ment on Thurs­day evenings in Edger­ton next month. You are invited to bring a lawn chair to the Edger­ton Band­stand and enjoy the sounds of sum­mer dur­ing the month of June. On June 4th, the Delta Com­mu­nity Band will per­form. The Antwerp Com­mu­nity Band will per­form on June 11th, and the Auburn Com­mu­nity Band will be there on June 18th. The con­certs are spon­sored in part by the Edger­ton Cham­ber of Com­merce. The Bryan Times reports that in case of bad weather, the con­certs will be held at the Edger­ton United Methodist Church on North Michi­gan Street.

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