EMS Upgrades Planned

Last week, the Williams County Com­mis­sion­ers went over the plans for an upgrade to the county’s Emer­gency Med­ical Ser­vices build­ing on Ohio 15. As it sits now, the project will come in at between $225,000 and $250,000 accord­ing to esti­mates pro­vided by the engi­neer­ing firm han­dling it all. The Bryan Times reports that the project includes about 90 per­cent of the work as inte­rior ren­o­va­tions, includ­ing relo­cat­ing the garage, and mak­ing the build­ing com­pli­ant with the Amer­i­cans With Dis­abil­i­ties Act. Dec­o­ra­tive stucco will be added to the building’s front face and the entire build­ing will be painted. It’s all being done at no expense to tax­pay­ers, as the county EMS is a finan­cially self-sustaining entity. The changes will also improve energy effi­ciency. Once bids are opened, the work will likely begin as early as July or August, and is expected to be com­pleted by the end of this year.

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