Big Changes At The Red Cross

On Thurs­day, the Ful­ton and Henry county branches of the Red Cross shut their doors. It was done in con­nec­tion with a nation­wide restruc­tur­ing of the orga­ni­za­tion, that lead­ers say is aimed at stream­lin­ing ser­vices to make the most of donor dol­lars. The Ful­ton County branch of the Red Cross has been around for 97 years.

Now, a new area chap­ter is being formed, which will go by the name of Amer­i­can Red Cross of West Cen­tral Ohio. The new chap­ter will serve all area coun­ties, with the Henry County office build­ing serv­ing as a hub for the four-county area made up of Williams, Henry, Ful­ton, and Defi­ance coun­ties.

Red Cross offi­cials promise no inter­rup­tions in ser­vice in our area dur­ing the transition.

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