Big doin’s in Bryan on Fri­day.

The Fri­day the cour­t­house square in Bryan will come alive with music, Army vehi­cles, mil­i­tary heroes, enter­tain­ers and bar­be­cued chicken.

The Bryan Alliance Church, Williams County Vet­er­ans Ser­vice Com­mis­sion and Bryan VFW Post 2489 are spon­sor­ing a ben­e­fit to assist local vet­er­ans.

The Bryan Times reports that all pro­ceeds will be dis­bursed through the VFW.

Serv­ing of the Port-A-Pit chicken din­ners will begin at 4 p.m., with each din­ner made up of a half chicken, baked potato, din­ner roll and home­made cookie.

If it rains, the din­ner and pro­gram will take place at the MacDonald-Ruff Ice Arena.

Last year’s ben­e­fit raised $6,000 for vet­er­ans and their families.

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