Blood Drive Successful

Blood is always in short sup­ply, or so it seems. The sum­mer sea­son, with vaca­tions and folks trav­el­ing, cre­ates an addi­tional strain on sup­plies.

How­ever, the Amer­i­can Red Cross Blood­mo­bile held last Thurs­day in Bryan at the Bryan Knights of Colum­bus Hall was a big suc­cess, with 98 units col­lected.

Some area donors were pre­sented with awards for hit­ting mile­stones, such as James Davis, who was hon­ored for hav­ing given 21 gal­lons of blood over the years.

Food for the donors was pro­vided by the First Church of Christ of Bryan and pre­pared by local vol­un­teers. The Bryan Knights of Colum­bus donated the use of their build­ing and the Bryan Lions Club assisted.

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