The Bryan Board of Pub­lic Affairs has named BMU Elec­tric Super­in­ten­dent Brian Car­lin as the new

Direc­tor of Util­i­ties. Car­lin replaces Steve Case­bere, who recently announced his retire­ment.

Car­lin takes the job with more than 23 years of expe­ri­ence in the util­ity indus­try. He started in

the cable indus­try and then began work­ing at Bryan Munic­i­pal Util­i­ties as a meter reader in

1994. He com­pleted train­ing courses through the util­ity and worked his way up from appren­tice

lineworker to top-level line worker. In 2007, Car­lin was selected to head up the elec­tric depart­ment. That same year, he earned a bach­e­lor degree in orga­ni­za­tional busi­ness man­age­ment from Bluffton Uni­ver­sity.

Car­lin said as direc­tor he wants to con­tinue to develop employee train­ing as well as build a team

envi­ron­ment with empha­sis on serv­ing the community.

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