The Defi­ance City Board of Edu­ca­tion met Wednes­day evening.

Band direc­tor Cathy Booth told the board about the pro­posed Decem­ber, 2014, band trip to Dis­ney World in Orlando, Fla., which the board then approved. The trip would include march­ing in a Dis­ney parade and spend­ing time at the park as well as Uni­ver­sal Orlando Resort. The cost to each stu­dent will be $650, with the band boost­ers assist­ing in numer­ous fundrais­ing activ­i­ties.

The board then approved spe­cial edu­ca­tion ser­vice agree­ments for 12 stu­dents for the 2013–14 school year with Ayersville Local (3 stu­dents), Cen­tral Local (3), Hicksville Exempted Vil­lage (3), North­east­ern Local (2) and Van Wert City schools (1).

The costs asso­ci­ated with the pro­grams will be item­ized and dis­tricts will be charged for each stu­dent day of enroll­ment on a pro-rated per diem basis.

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